Sunday 6 April 2014

"If at first you don't succeed..."

One of the most important traits you need to be a writer is to remain tenacious. Sometimes it is hard to keep the faith - to believe you can do it. I like this simple quote:
" 'Tis a lesson you should heed: Try, try, try again.
If at first you don't succeed, Try, try, try again." (William Edward Hickson)

From single volume to series

It seems an eternity since I finished the first draft of my first book, yet there is so much to do before publishing! Of course there needs to be proof reading/editing and beta reading, but one of the exciting (and time consuming) things was that the first story turned into a series of three. After all, there were three strong female charatcers, and I wanted to write each of their stories... I was not keen to publish one before I had at least drafted all three as the links between them might need to be developed. And so now I have three books, edited, proof-read, poured over. Just need to go the next step to PUBLISH!