Sunday 2 November 2014

Writing frenzy

Yesterday was crazy! I wrote a brand new scene (4k pages) for a book which was just undergoing its final proofread, and then I had a new concept for a novella (spinning out of that scene), and before I knew what was happening, I had finished a first draft of said novella - 10k pages. It's true I didn't get to sleep till 6.30am - but still, that's a lot of writing for one 24 hour period. Looking forward to reviewing the novella when I'm feeling a bit fresher!

Monday 21 July 2014

What next? Life after Deception... (Exploring the French Revolution)

While my first series is with the proof-readers, I have not been idle. I have enjoyed immersing myself in research about the French Revolution. A few days ago I finished the first draft of 'Isabel's Choice', the second book in my 'French Connection' series. The first and third in the series are also coming along pretty well (I am writing them somewhat in tandem as the plots overlap). Can't wait to spend some more time on them! (Back to my day job tomorrow)

My first series - Deception

It is wonderful to feel that something is finally ready! After years of writing and re-writing and all the other challenges that go towards creating works of fiction, I have finished my first series. It is called 'Deception', three contemporary romances about women who are deceived by men pretendng to be someone they are not. As the books are interlinked and follow the lives of three friends (Rosa, Tamsin and Sarah), I wanted to finish them all before I published the first one. And that book is now back from the final proof-reading. So stay tuned for 'Lover by Moonlight'. I hope the e-Book will be distributed soon!

Right brain vs Left brain

You would think that writers need to be super creative : more right brained than left. But I have been finding that you also need to be very organised to get it all done! Especially if you are working on more than one book at a time, and they are all at different stages of writing/publication.

Being good at multi-tasking is essential.You need to be writing, editing, working with proof-readers, designing a cover, working on distibution, publicity and promotion... There is a lot to work on, and you need to keep as many balls in the air as you can to keep the momentum going. In some ways, writing the book is the easy bit... certainly the most fun... :-)

Sunday 6 April 2014

"If at first you don't succeed..."

One of the most important traits you need to be a writer is to remain tenacious. Sometimes it is hard to keep the faith - to believe you can do it. I like this simple quote:
" 'Tis a lesson you should heed: Try, try, try again.
If at first you don't succeed, Try, try, try again." (William Edward Hickson)

From single volume to series

It seems an eternity since I finished the first draft of my first book, yet there is so much to do before publishing! Of course there needs to be proof reading/editing and beta reading, but one of the exciting (and time consuming) things was that the first story turned into a series of three. After all, there were three strong female charatcers, and I wanted to write each of their stories... I was not keen to publish one before I had at least drafted all three as the links between them might need to be developed. And so now I have three books, edited, proof-read, poured over. Just need to go the next step to PUBLISH!

Friday 21 February 2014

Making time to write - aim for an hour a day as a minimum

I have been reading lots of blogs about how to write in a busy world. In particular, how to finish that elusive first book - you know, the one you have been wanting to publish but haven't managed to tick all the boxes.

One of the tricks is to keep on writing every day - no matter what interruptions get in the way. One blogger suggests trying to find a minimum of an hour a day (in my case an hour every two days is more realistic) just to do a little bit of writing. To keep things flowing.

Check out this blog from Joanna Penn (one of the best author blogs around)

Joanna also talks about aiming for at least 1,000 words a day. But how can you manage that if you also have a day job, kids, etc?

My take is - an hour a day is better than nothing, but it is not enough... It is so much more satisfying to have a whole day to write. Those of us working full time, it may only be a day a week or a day a month, but a day is wonderful!

In desperation I took an annual leave day today to write - and it has been a relief to get back into it. I am getting so close to finishing the draft of the third book in my three-book series, and I have this strange idea that I want to finish all three drafts before I publish the first one. Make sure all the story links are finalised...

So back to today : Research in the morning and then 3,000 words this afternoon. It's a good start and I hope I'll be able to do it more often. In the meantime, I will try to stick to writing something every day - or re-writing and working on promotions. Surely I can squeeze in an hour after the kids are in bed? A bit at a time and we'll get there in the end!

Time flies when you're - well, just living

It has been far too long since I had a chance to really write. I miss those days spent finishing chapters and perfecting my latest book... Days when the characters just jump onto the stage taking me on their adventures without having to do anything more than record them. Being let into their lives and  thoughts - what a privelege!
Where have those days gone? I don't know - I have been too busy living to search for them.
But the dream has not died. I still want to finish something - to share it. So today I have a day off. Just one I know - but it's a start... See you later...